Advantages of DYNAMIC Laser Screed : 1. High construction quality: The ground constructed by the Laser Screed machine average flatness can reach 2mm. 2. Fast construction speed: On average, 3000 square meters of ground pouring can be completed every day. 3. Formor işinin həcmini azaldın: FormorWork istehlakı ənənəvi əməliyyat metodunun yalnız 38% -ni təşkil edir. 4. High degree of automation and low labor intensity: reduce operators by 30% and reduce labor intensity at the same time. 5. High economic benefit: 30% lower cost per square meter than traditional process.
LS-325, döşəmənin tikinti ehtiyaclarını tam şəkildə qarşılamaq üçün rahat, səmərəli və səmərəli və səmərəli bir həll təqdim edir. The device is quick to set up, easy to operate and very easy to use. The size and weight of the equipment itself are reasonable in design, convenient for transportation and suitable for various working conditions such as ground, floor and underground parking garage.